Wait a minute: See what a Happy Meal looks like after 6 years!

Wait a minute: See what a Happy Meal looks like after 6 years!

Jennifer Lovdahl from Alaska purchased this Happy Meal in 2010, now 2016 she has shown the world that well nothing really has changed…

The photos were posted to raise awareness on how fast food isn’t good for you (shock!)


Jennifer said:

It’s been 6 years since I bought this “Happy Meal” at McDonald’s. It’s been sitting at our office this whole time and has not rotted, molded, or decomposed at all!!! It smells only of cardboard. We did this experiment to show our patients how unhealthy this “food” is. Especially for our growing children!! There are so many chemicals in this food! Choose real food! Apples, bananas, carrots, celery….those are real fast food. [source]

Anyway, what we really want to know is did she try it? 4 minutes in http://amzn.to/1Nyk4U3 at 200c and it would have been as good as new.

*Pass me the BBQ dip please*

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