Amazon are not worried about people shooting down their Prime Air Drone deliveries

Amazon are not worried about people shooting down their Prime Air Drone deliveries

Cambridge, England, Amazon employees are busy working on prototypes of the Amazon Prime Air drones that will deliver your parcels within 30 minutes of ordering.

After their various viral videos over the past year, it seems Amazon are getting more serious about this, whilst hundreds of commenters have talked about how easy they will be to shoot down.

Paul Misener, Amazon’s vice president for global public policy has stated:

We want to make the deliveries. And we believe that these Prime Air drones will be as normal as seeing a delivery truck driving down the street someday. So the novelty [of shooting them down] will wear off.

These drones are more like horses than cars — and let me explain why. If you have a small tree in your front yard, and you want to bang your car into it for some reason, you can do that. Your spouse might not be happy with you, but you can do it. But try riding a horse into the tree. It won’t do it. The horse will see the tree and go around it. Same way our drones will not run into trees, because they will know not to run into it.

I suppose they could shoot at trucks, too.

Fancy working on the project? [Not a paid promotion] They’ve got 52 jobs available, however most are in Seattle USA.

How much do you think they will charge for Amazon Prime Air? (30 mins delivery)

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