Son confronts dodgy double-glazing salesmen who attempts to rip off his unwell Mother by £5000

Son confronts dodgy double-glazing salesmen who attempts to rip off his unwell Mother by £5000

Dominic MacMahon posted this video on Facebook the other day where he accuses Zenith Staybrite Ltd of ‘preying on the elderly’.

His 81-year-old mother Dr Heather Collins who suffers from dementia-like symptoms and has 3 carers to help her get up, washed and dressed each day met with Mr Mark Gibson and after a 2 and a half hour discussion was sold a front and back door for a total of £5743.73 (the majority of her life savings).

Mr MacMahon said:

‘I needed to emphasise to people what this man had done. I was very angry but by being able to put the footage online and tell other people what is going on makes more of a difference.

This is one case – how many other people are going through this? People who don’t have anybody to look after them like mother does.

What we are hoping to do is make sure other vulnerable people are protected from this type of sale.

Do you think the Government could place more controls on companies to reduce those willing to exploit those with dementia etc?

The salesman’s behaviour is unbelievable – how can you treat another human being that way? How can he look himself in the face after he does that to a vulnerable old lady.

As my mum was writing out that cheque for nearly £6,000, what was going through his head? Did he think this was the right thing to do?

‘Mum struggles with time and quantity – she has no idea what the implications of signing a cheque for £6,000 are.

‘She actually thought she had bought two door handles for nearly £6,000. If that money had gone – it would have directly compromised her ability to pay for her own carers.’

A spokesman for Zenith Staybrite Ltd said:

‘We are carrying out an internal investigation – we have no comment to make at this moment in time.’

Video Mirror (in case the above one gets deleted):

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