How to make REAL Dairy Milk Cadbury’s Creme Eggs

How to make REAL Dairy Milk Cadbury’s Creme Eggs

After last years scandal of Cadbury’s changing the recipe of their Creme Eggs and the fact Cadbury’s have lost £8,000,000 on loss of sales from the issue.

Example moulds >>
↪ or bigger ones >>

How to make REAL Cadbury's Creme Eggs

For those who care about the cause! ↪ Learn about other sneaky tricks companies play on to ITV for video

Posted by 10 ways to have more money as a student, without working. on Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Thanks to ITV for video

Full recipe:
Paul’s fondant eggs
Serves: makes 6 eggs
800g milk chocolate of your choice
100g sugar
100g water
500g white fondant icing
Yellow and orange food colouring
Take 800g chocolate and melt it in a bain marie to 45C. Never a microwave, it won’t achieve a good melt and may burn the chocolate.
Pour two-thirds of the chocolate on to a large marble surface. Ideally you will have this installed already and call it your counter. Temper it with a palette knife and a scraper, moving, spreading, piling in, spreading again, moving, until it starts to solidify.
Plonk it back into the remaining third of still melted chocolate. Mix well until evenly smooth. Pour the whole lot into your mould and tap to release any air bubbles.
Leave it for two to three minutes. Pour out the excess. Put the shells in the fridge for 20 minutes.
Put 100g sugar and 100ml water into a pan and dissolve to make sugar syrup
Take 500g of white fondant icing, cut it in half, pummel yellow food colouring into one half.
Grate the icing and mix it with sugar syrup until it is the consistency of buttercream icing
Fill each shell half with white fondant then a dollop of yellow for the yolk and stick the two halves together with a little melted chocolate
Your eggs will – but are unlikely to – last for one month!

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