NSFW – Girl sells water from her bath for £24 a jar… (makes £12,000 in 2 days)

NSFW – Girl sells water from her bath for £24 a jar… (makes £12,000 in 2 days)

Please note: We don’t condone or recommend this to anyone, there are far greater career options out there which are going to be longer lasting, better for you, your finances and probably your mental health. We’re just reporting on what has happened, don’t do this. Also, don’t spend money buying videos/images etc from these sort of sellers, unless you have the cash to waste, there are plenty of free alternatives out there.

Belle Delphine, a 19-year-old, cosplayer, model, makeup artist, internet personality, social media influencer and person that sells lewd photos of herself on Patreon moved into a new level of business that even we hadn’t thought was possible the other day!

The self-proclaimed gamer girl has been using her 3.9 million (now 4.2M) followers on her NSFW Instagram/Twitter etc to push the sales of her new ‘Bath Water’ product which basically consists of her in a bath scooping up, spitting out or letting water flow into the jars after it goes over her body, which she then packages up and sells for $30 (~£24) each!

Alongside this new venture, it’s estimated this British based businesswoman has an income of around $50,000 (~£40,000) a year from the selling of her own lewd photos/videos/snapchat access etc, with a net worth supposedly of around $500,000 (~£400,000), which may include the value of her social media following, although it’s not clear how accurate this is as the 3 UK companies she’s a director of haven’t ever filed any financial accounts with HMRC!


So you don’t have to click the website this is what the product description said:

Bottled while I’m playing in the bath ^-^ This really is bath water.. disclaimer: This water is not for drinking and should only be used for sentimental purposes.


Is Belle Delphine a marketing genius or a modern day legal prostitute?

And it sold out within 2 days…

Belle told Femail:

‘I really didn’t think the reaction would be this crazy. I didn’t expect to sell so many, I’ve sold over 500 in the first two days and have run out of stock.
‘I was just thinking of the funniest thing that I could sell that might actually work, and I guess it did.
‘Because I’m involved so much in this gaming community, which can be very strange sometimes, I feel very desensitised to how weird this actually is, and selling bath water isn’t actually normal.’


Others that supposedly had purchased the water then consumed it… (yes really)

Presumably in the hope of grabbing some internet points rather than any odd sexual fantasy

“I spent $100 just on the shipping alone to get this here,” Johnny_Now said. “I saw this as a meme-worthy experience, I knew right away the second that this was going to blow up, and I had to order it. I placed an order the first day it came out.”

One got sent to the White House!

Further jokes online went to this extreme as well:

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  • If you earn over your personal allowance (currently £12,570 a year) HMRC need to get their % cut (even if the money is in cash or from another country)
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  • You need to always ensure whatever you’re doing is legal and not hurting anyone else – be careful and always think twice
  • Some income streams may require you to have DBS check, licence, insurance or qualifications before you can start to profit from it, do your research.
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