Primark have confirmed an online Click and Collect service is getting launched

Primark have confirmed an online Click and Collect service is getting launched

According to Davy (an investment/market research company) research1, Primark’s chief executive Paul Marchant has told analysts that they’re launching a click and collect service on their Primark website.

Davy, said that the click and collect service is “on the horizon” but “even when rolled out, a click-and-collect offering will only drive an incremental benefit for Primark.”

Would you prefer a click and collect service from Primark?

Despite the decision, Davy went on to say:

“of the top-20 retailers, which hold 70 per cent of the UK market, Primark is the only one with no online presence, yet it has achieved the largest market share gains over the last decade.”

From a 10ways point of view, often Primark posts seem to gather a large amount of attention, however, with the environmental impact becoming more and more of an issue we do question the ethics of providing such cheap (almost disposable) clothing, Primark do make a big point of stating they’re actively taking care of sourcing but we wonder if more can/should be done?


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