The Free Watch Scam
- Tricks companies play
- May 2, 2016
… nearly 11% of the 3.4 million passwords tested are 1234 !!! Datagenetics got hold of 3.4 million leaked 4-digit pins, they then did some pin number analysis to give us the worst and best pins. Obviously, by doing this they’ve inevitably made the best pins some of the worst, however this is what they found
READ MORESince Friday 4th March, Apple Mac users have been targeted in a ‘first of this kind’ Ransomware attack known as “KeRanger”, basically, a virus that encrypts all of your data and then forces you to pay ($400, roughly £282) to unlock it or it etes the data. Once your computer is infected it takes 3
READ MOREThe Consumer Rights Act came into force on 1 October 2015, if you purchased something prior to this date the Sale of Goods Act 1979 applies to your purchase so please read that instead. This law was changed to make it clearer for consumers and to ensure they feel safer buying from retailers & service providers,
READ MOREYou can pick up fairly cheap Android Tablets from as little as £25-£40. What do I need? Lenovo Tab 2 A7 7 Inch 8GB Wi-Fi Tablet or Android 4.4 7″ Chinese Tablets two-way mirror plastic (see-through) – Try these double-stick tape velcro tape black construction paper (or dark file folder) packing tape scissors power run to your