KFC ingredient list supposedly leaked

KFC ingredient list supposedly leaked

Colonel Sanders’ nephew, Joe Ledington, supposedly told a Chicago Tribune journalist the closely-guarded recipe for the ‘finger lickin’ taste from KFC.

Ledington, 67, told the Tribune, as he showed the list:

“That is the original 11 herbs and spices that were supposed to be so secretive.”

In the past books like ‘The Takeaway Secret‘ showed people how to cook home versions of takeaway food including KFC:

KFC have always kept the ‘secret’ a closely guarded secret, a bit like Guinness and their 119.5 seconds for the perfect pint we fear that most likely this is just clever marketing more than anything else.

Supposedly the secret that could be worth millions was hidden in a scrapbook originally owned by Ledington’s late aunt, she was Colonel Sanders’ second wife.

The mix includes salt, oregano, paprika, ginger, garlic salt and white pepper, which Ledington told the Tribune was “…the secret ingredient. Nobody (in the 1950s) knew what white pepper was. Nobody knew how to use it.”

Ledington later stated he never actually showed the reporter the handwritten ingredients and KFC had this to say to the New York Times:

“Many people have made these claims over the years and no one has been accurate — this one isn’t either.”

The full list:

11 spices — mix with 2 cups white flour

2/3 tablespoon salt

1/2 tablespoon thyme

1/2 tablespoon basil

1/3 tablespoon oregano

1 tablespoon celery salt

1 tablespoon black pepper

1 tablespoon dried mustard

4 tablespoons paprika

2 tablespoons garlic salt

1 tablespoon ground ginger

3 tablespoons white pepper

What is a healthier alternative to KFC?

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