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🪐 This Friday-Sunday night, there will be a FREE show in the sky for everyone as long as the clouds stay away! 🪐

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A Highland Cow candle that smells like oat milk and barley? 🐮 Bit ironic, but it smells so good 🔥😍 and just £8 in the new Highland Cow range (aff ad)

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Great for some people, Breville HotCup Hot Water Dispenser 3kW for just £32 ➜ (aff ad)
Amazon £40 | Argos £45 | Currys £40 | AO £47

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When did you last complain to a company, and how much were you offered/given?

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Nike SB Force Premium Trainer in teal and grey for £45.20 delivered with code FRIENDS (aff ad)

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62% off Epsom Bath Salts, £1.50 delivered for Prime Members. We use this, it's good stuff (aff ad)

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📉 Masterplug WBX-MS Weatherproof Electric Box £5.95 (aff ad)

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£5 off a £5 spend at Lidl for selected customers on their app. Check yours. Valid until 28/02/2025. Terms and exclusions apply.

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Free Sample of Perfume Delivered

1) Click the link (below but follow these steps to actually complete the form)
2) When the pop up asks if you're in the UK and do you want to change your location to the UK website click the X icon to close it down (do not click change location).
3) At the bottom of the form select 'United Kingdom' and then complete the form (ideally using alias info).
4) Enter phone number of something like this 1234567890
5) Enter your postcode in another field, leave the Zip code field empty (it's an awful, albeit legit form).

After submission it says a strange message, this is actually a Latin phrase.

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£44.99 elsewhere, £26 on (aff ad)

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📉 Ninja 700W Slim Blender & Smoothie Maker £44.99 (aff ad)
Price Elsewhere: £59.99 at Ninja, Argos, Currys, Tesco and Robert Dyas.

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The Stress of a Tamagotchi for the price of just £1.99 (the originals are £10-£29 elsewhere) - Various Keychain Electronic Games available in Aldi

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