1) Gumtree Prank
Add a listing on Gumtree for ‘Free Beer – due to being out of date’ and insert your mates phone number, place the listing in a large city and boom! Probably against 1 or 2 T&Cs.
2) Upside down room
Turn everything upside down and if you’ve got the time/glue/tape then stick it to the ceiling
3) Water cup room fill
Cups of water filled in a room will take ages to complete but it’s well worth the look on their face
4) Paper wrap
Wrap everything in old newspapers, cling film etc
5) Seal them in/out
Seal their door with crap.
6) Toothpaste Oreos
Swap Oreo filling with toothpaste (warning: possible Oreos will get wasted so maybe only do 1 or 2, the last ones for added long term fun)
7) Cress in weird places
Chuck a load of cress seeds into something they use, top up with water (not always needed). Be sure it won’t f*ck up the product otherwise you will end up paying for it!
8) Fake Cake
Get a balloon, strap it to an old cereal box, cover it in icing and pretend it’s a cake.
9) Hidden Explosion
Tie Mentos to a diet coke bottle cap and wait for it to drop (very messy so avoid near their valuables etc).
10) Hidden Explosion Version 2
Fill ketchup bottle with baking soda and wait!
11) One for luck! – Confetti in car!
Be careful that you don’t f*ck their car up with this one and be ready with a hoover afterwards as they will probably want you to clean it!