Jamahl McMurran (@JHM_UK) tweeted this on Wednesday:
So my Airbnb guest and I decided to place 15000 2p coins on the canal and record what would happen…. #coinsbythecanal pic.twitter.com/2oe93Bv0Ka
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
McMurran and his Airbnb guest Lana Mesic, a photographer from Holland, had been discussing the night before what to do with 15,000 2p coins that Mesic had been using for a photo shoot, they decided to carry the 16.7 stone of coins down to a spot opposite the balcony and document what was going to happen if they just left the £300 in coins.
First of all a few kids showed up
Some people like to take photos and play #coinsbythecanal pic.twitter.com/ZfhpFi79v7
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
“I think the social experiment has gone viral because people love watching other people’s behaviours,” said McMurran. “Humans are naturally interested in what others do and how they behave in unusual circumstances.”
A builder grabbed some change for a coffee
Others need some change for their coffee #coinsbythecanal pic.twitter.com/BnNKsSKJDR
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
Mr Umbrella man arrived and snapped a photo
This awesome guy showed up:
This guy is awesome…. looking for some magic #coinsbythecanal pic.twitter.com/Dj4Dvojawn
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
And, just like some of our deals, finally, two guys rocked up and took the lot:
These guys decide to spoil everyone's fun #coinsbythecanal pic.twitter.com/Syo0C9Ug2j
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
“When you have something like this, it’s almost like a treasure pile,” said Mesic. “Like a pirate with a chest of coins. It appeals to something magic.”
And now it's over.. cheers fellas #coinsbythecanal pic.twitter.com/ygdVddMMzr
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017