How to lose weight (without buying shakes, tablets, powders, supplements, patches, jewellery, body wraps, anything with ‘herbal’ on the box or any other diet crap) – Free for everyone

How to lose weight (without buying shakes, tablets, powders, supplements, patches, jewellery, body wraps, anything with ‘herbal’ on the box or any other diet crap) – Free for everyone

TL;DR > Eat food that is good for you. Exercise.

First things first, diet: What you eat is the most important thing for losing weight. I had a low carb/high fat diet. When you start this regimen, start by eating a total of 20 grams of net carbs per day. Net carbs are insoluble fiber minus total carbs. You will get these carbs from eating green vegetables such as lettuce (any salad greens) broccoli, green beans, celery, avocado, asparagus, green peppers and tomatoes. Meats, cheeses, fish, and eggs are where you will get your fill of food.

I eat 3 meals per day with an occasional snack some days. You can eat more meals if you would like, just keep your carbs at 20 grams per day. When you minimise your carb intake, your body switches from burning carbs for energy, to burning fat for energy. This is called ketosis. Once you start a carb intake of 20 grams per day, it takes approximately 4 days for your body to enter ketosis. Once you are in ketosis, you are burning fat 24/7.

Some people like to have “cheat” days where maybe once every 2 weeks you go all out and eat whatever you want for 1 day only. I never did this because, once again, it takes 4 days to enter ketosis, that is 4 days that you’re not burning fat and gaining weight. Now, once you are within 10-15 pounds of your goal weight, you can start to add more carbs to your diet. The goal here is to see how many carbs you can eat and maintain your weight. Start by adding fruit such as blueberries, strawberries, apples etc. Starches such as sweet potatoes. I’ve always stayed away from grains such as rice and bread.


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