Is your ‘Smart’ TV watching you have sex and are scammers putting it online until you pay for removal?

Is your ‘Smart’ TV watching you have sex and are scammers putting it online until you pay for removal?

Revenge Porn is a horrific thing, it has landed many people in trouble both financially and at work etc.

A new style of revenge porn is appearing online and this time you won’t even know you’ve been filmed, couples have been recorded in the ‘privacy’ of their own living rooms and had the content uploaded to the web.

Due to outdated and rarely updated software, ‘Smart’ TVs are now being targetted for their cameras/webcams.

Laura Higgins of the Revenge Porn Helpline said:

‘We have dealt with one couple who were filmed making love in their living room through their smart TV by someone who had taken control of it.

‘The footage just appeared on a website’

‘Friends had seen it online and told them. The victims had no idea it was there — they had not made any personal videos and no names were attached to the online footage identifying the people in it.

‘But they could recognise their living room and from the angle the video was taken they worked out that it must have been filmed from the webcam that was attached to their smart TV.’

‘There was no communication from anyone to the couple – no blackmail threat or revenge-type message. So the conclusion must be it was a random attack – we just don’t know.’

How do I stop it?

  • Update the software on your TV, search online for the model number + ‘firmware upgrade’.
  • Cover the camera with some black tape…

How is this related?

In the past revenge porn website will only remove your content if you take them to court or you pay a fee. The fees are often illegal but you will be too embarrassed to take them to court. If we can stop just one of these revenge porn attacks then it makes it worthwhile in our eyes.


Have you ever purchased sex toys online? (Anonymous)

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Important things to remember with everything we post:

  • If you earn over your personal allowance (currently £12,570 a year) HMRC need to get their % cut (even if the money is in cash or from another country)
  • If you’re working for yourself / earning an income on the side you need to let HMRC know – There are numerous benefits but also some drawbacks
  • You need to always ensure whatever you’re doing is legal and not hurting anyone else – be careful and always think twice
  • Some income streams may require you to have DBS check, licence, insurance or qualifications before you can start to profit from it, do your research.
  • Be careful that any additional income doesn’t compromise your studies or main income/job
  • If you work for a company check your contract, if you don’t inform them you’re working on other side projects outside of work they may have grounds to ownership on this work

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