This Legend refused to pay £45 charge to check-in extra luggage on Easyjet flight

We all hate airlines due to their restrictive rules and often expensive fees but Matt Botten wasn’t having any of it.

On the outbound trip to Reykjavik, Iceland from Gatwick, London he was faced with a £45 excess charge for his bag, so he just emptied the bag there and then and put the clothes on.

Travelling with his Girlfriend Abigail White, they made it through security even with the Michelin Man style layering of t-shirts, jumpers, trousers and even shoes poking out of his pockets.


He wrote on Facebook:

‘We’re going to Iceland baby!

‘And how to do it in a financially frugal manner, without having to stump up forty five bloody quid for a hold bag? Simply by wearing EVERYTHING I OWN.’

What do you think:

Legend of idiot?


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