Speed Camera Lottery

In Stockholm, there was a speed camera lottery experiment where drivers could win money from the fines of speeding drivers. You automatically got entered to win if you drove around under the speed limit.

Originally proposed to the The Fun Factory by Kevin Richardson of San Francisco, the concept was implemented by the Swedish National Society for Road Safety on site in Stockholm, Sweden in November 2010. Using existing traffic-camera and speed-capture technologies, the Speed Camera Lottery device would photograph all drivers passing beneath it. Each vehicle’s speed was displayed to the drivers passing by and recorded by the system. Speeders would be photographed and issued a citation, with the proceeds going into a cash fund. Drivers who obeyed the speed law would also be recorded and entered into the lottery, where they would be eligible to win some of the money from the speeders.

Prior to the SpeedCam Lottery, Stockholm drivers were motivated to drive safely for the general public good (Epic Meaning & Calling), to avoid citations (Loss & Avoidance), or through encouragement from immediate visual feedback (Creativity & Feedback). With the introduction of the SpeedCam Lottery, drivers were receiving new motivations from potential cash incentives (Ownership & Possession), lottery anticipation (Unpredictability & Curiosity), encouraging reinforcement (Development & Accomplishment), and public pressure (Social Pressure & Envy). 1

Hands up who thinks this is a good idea?

Do you think a speed camera lottery is a good idea in the UK?


  1. From http://www.gamification.co/2013/04/25/gamification-breakdown-of-the-speed-camera-lottery/

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