8 Festive Zoom Activities to Play with Your Family in 2020

8 Festive Zoom Activities to Play with Your Family in 2020

Let’s face it, 2020 has been the year of Zoom quizzes. As the festive season approaches, you might feel all quizzed out. We hear you! However, if you can’t see some family members in real-life this year, you’re going to need to figure out how to make video calling great again. Luckily, we have not one but eight ideas you can try for yourself.

1. Guess the Gift

Have you ever played 20 Questions? Here’s a festive variation on the game that everyone knows and loves. Start by sending small presents out to your family members who you won’t be able to see over the festive period. These gifts don’t have to be big or expensive. It could be something cute like a fuzzy pair of socks or a book by their favourite author.

When you’re on the Zoom call, it’s time to play Guess the Gift. Each person takes turns to be the guesser and try to figure out what their gift is. That person has 20 yes-or-no questions they can ask. For example, they might ask ‘Can I wear it?’ or ‘Can I eat it?’ As the gift-giver you have to give all the answers and see if the person can guess correctly.

2. Festive Watch Party

Fancy watching some Christmas classics? Why not host a watch party? Choose one of your favourite festive films and watch along with your family on Zoom. For example, you might want to watch ‘The Holiday’, ‘Love Actually’, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ or even ‘Elf’.

When you’ve decided which movie to watch, schedule a Zoom call with your loved ones and press play at the same time. Make sure that it’s a film you’ve seen many times before. That way, you won’t be upset if (when!) your family members talk over the best bits.

3. Costume Competition

Staying in this Christmas? That doesn’t mean that you can’t dress up. Why not host a festive-themed costume competition via Zoom? Before you get started, elect someone to be the judge and then schedule a Zoom call. Each of you should dress up as something festive for the special date. For instance, you could be Santa or a naughty elf.

During the call, have the judge give points to each person’s costume. You might want to assign points to different things such as creativity, execution, and festive vibes. If you want to make things really interesting, you could invest in a prize for the winner.

4. Christmas Charades

Charades is a festive tradition that (most of us!) love. If you can’t be in the same room as your family this year, that doesn’t mean that you have to miss out. Playing charades via Zoom call is the same as doing it in real-life. When it’s your turn, pick a festive film, book, or song, and act it out. Your family will have a ball trying to guess the answer!

5. Never Have I Ever (or The Naughty List!)

‘Never Have I Ever’ isn’t always a family-friendly game. However, this variation on the drinking game is. Write down a list of ten naughty things before you get started. Alternatively, you can use these ten here:

  1. Tidied your background before a Zoom call
  2. Regifted a present to someone else
  3. Put your Christmas decorations up early
  4. Said you don’t believe in Santa
  5. Missed a work Christmas party
  6. Opened presents before the big day
  7. Pretended to like a gift that you didn’t
  8. Got a little merry at a festive party
  9. Knocked over a Christmas tree
  10. Forgot to give out Christmas cards

To play the game, have everyone on the Zoom call start with all ten of their fingers up. Go through the list. If a person has done the thing you say, they have to put a finger down. The person with the least amount of fingers up at the end of the game loses!

6. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

It’s time to get up and get active! One of the big problems with Zoom calls is that you spend so much time sitting around and talking. Let’s change that. Why not host a virtual scavenger hunt for your family members? It’s fun, easy, and free!

Start by writing a list of festive things that you want all of your family members to find around their home. You might want to include a turkey baster, a festive hat, a piece of tinsel, and so on. When the Zoom call is going, tell your family members that it’s time to play a game. List each item and see which of them can find it at home first.

7. Name that Christmas Song

Got an ear for music? One of the best Christmas games you can play over Zoom is ‘Name That Song’. This is exactly what it says on the tin. Put together a Christmas playlist ahead of time and ensure that everyone on the call has a pen and paper. Next, press play and ask people to guess what each festive tune is. The person who gets the most right wins.

8. Virtual Games and Apps

While all of the above Zoom activities take a little creativity to pull off, there’s one option that’s super easy! Why not play some virtual games with your family members? There are plenty of things that you can use to make your Zoom call more interesting. Here are some of the games and apps that you can give a whirl:

The Takeaway!

Christmas 2020 doesn’t have to be all Zoom quizzes. Make the festive season interesting by trying out some of these fun activities that will have the whole family entertained. Why not make a party plan and add a few of these activities to the agenda? Give it a go!

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