Make your own frothy Costa & Starbucks coffee at home on the cheap

Make your own frothy Costa & Starbucks coffee at home on the cheap


If you ever walk past a Costa or go inside, be sure to pick up any receipts you find, then once a week go in and ask the Barista to add those receipts to your Costa card. Boom a free hot drink to give to the homeless or drink yourself.

ALSO: “Costa sometimes run ‘surprise and delight’ promo, if you are cheery and happy rather than miserable they can choose you to have a freebie I just got my second free coffee in a different Costa. Worth letting people know to order a large just in case.”


Learn how to make frothy Costa/Starbucks style drinks at home for pence with this awesome guide from Sharon.

So you love costa coffee or starbucks? learn how to make it at home!!

Vanilla Syrup

1 and half cup of white sugar + 1 cup of cold water. Put both in pan on med heat stirring a little until the sugar dissolves, then let it come to boil and boil for 1 min. take off heat add 1 or 2 spoons of vanilla extract. leave to cool and pour in a jar with lid. Store in cool dry place for one month. Or alternatively buy these flavours

Caramel sauce

1 cup of sugar & a little water to help it along, stir only until it starts to go brown and liquefy. Once a liquid add butter and let it melt, once melted add double cream stirring but careful it don’t splash on you. Take off heat and let it thicken, pour in container store in fridge for one month. Or alternatively buy these sauces

Frothed milk

Get a microwaveable jar pour milk in half way, put lid on and shake until it doubles in size, about 30 secs. then take lid off and put in microwave for about 30 secs, once done you’ll have froth. Before pouring into a cup, put some vanilla syrup in cup and add coffee then use the back of a spoon to pour milk into a cup and then spoon out the froth. the froth is needed to hold the caramel sauce!! Or alternatively buy this Milk Frother

There you have your very own homemade costa or Starbucks caramel coffee!!!!

Try these tips to save money at an actual Starbucks


Thanks to Sharon

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