Dolmio & Uncle Bens are now to be known as ‘Occasional’ products instead of ‘Everyday’ due to the brands owners announcing the high levels of sugar, salt &/or fat contents in the seemingly healthy products.
Ben Reynolds, deputy co-ordinator of food and farming alliance Sustain said:
Nutritionist Jenny Rosborough from Action on Sugar told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme:“Companies are trying to scramble to show they can be good and do the right thing before the government releases its childhood obesity strategy later this year.”
“The government have shown they are willing to bare their teeth and they’re not going to stand for a voluntary approach,”
“The truth of it is that anything that comes out of a packet, comes out of a jar, that has been processed, is not going to be particularly healthy for you.
“Whether you’re making a quick pasta meal or a Sunday roast, the cheapest and healthiest way is from fresh ingredients.”
“It’s great that they are pushing forward this responsible labelling and raising awareness.
“But the challenge we have with it is that only the health conscious will look at the labels in the first place, therefore it’s not going to hit the people who need it the most.”
Nutritionist Laura De La Harpe told BBC Radio 5 live
Fiona Dawson, a global president of Mars, said:It should not be difficult to reduce the sugar content.
“What would concern me would be if they start adding sweeteners, artificial sweeteners to replace the sugar,”
“We’re holding ourselves to a much higher standard… which will lead us to further reducing sodium across our global product portfolio by an average of 20% by 2021 and added sugar in a limited number of sauces and light meals by 2018.
“While we have some work to do, 70% of our tomato-based Dolmio jar products already meet this ‘everyday’ standard.
“Our guidance to consumers on everyday and occasional meals is a key element of our ambition, as 95% of our product portfolio will fall into the ‘everyday’ category and 5% of our product portfolio will receive an ‘occasional’ label in the coming years, much of which will still go through some amount of reformulation to be made healthier.”
The Daily Mash (quite possibly the best news site in the world) 😉 gave a brilliant article:
BRITONS are to ignore the manufacturer’s recommendation to only eat Dolmio once a week and chug six jars tonight, like every Friday.
Despite Dolmio pasta sauces being labelled as ‘occasional’ products, the majority of consumers say that at least two jars are required to get a proper buzz on.
Builder Stephen Malley said: “When I get home the wife’s usually already got a jar on the go for herself and one ready on the table for me.
“We clink them together in a toast to the weekend and then I neck mine in one go, gulping back that thick, bolognese goodness with my eyes closed.
“I have another with my fish and chips and then I’m in my usual spot in front of the telly with the empty jars rattling around on the floor.
“Never touch it at work though. Mate of mine started hitting it at lunchtime, all red and chunky round his mouth and on his shirt.
“Got fired, lost his wife and family, ended up on the streets swigging Ragu. Poor bastard.”