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Completely FREE Eye Test at Boots Opticians
➡ ➡ ⬅ ⬅
No strings attached other than a medium to hard attempt to sell you glasses at the end which you can decline and just walk away with your prescription if you wish.

Got your prescription this site is decent for cheap but good glasses >

Likes: 19 Comments: 108 Shares: 13
Man cooks dinner instead of paying someone else to do it and saves money

Likes: 421 Comments: 232 Shares: 27
Wedding dresses heavily reduced at Debenhams
e.g. this one for £340 but now £75!
Limited sizes so be quick!

Likes: 50 Comments: 348 Shares: 32
“£1 each in Lidl other factors as well not just the spray ons either 👍🏼” thanks to Anon

Likes: 141 Comments: 368 Shares: 24
Perfect Prep Baby Milk Formula machine £60

Likes: 14 Comments: 175 Shares: 5

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