10 ways to make onions last longer (up to 8 months+)

10 ways to make onions last longer (up to 8 months+)

1) Store onions in tights (a little extreme we admit)

Tie a knot between every onion with a pair of nylon stockings. By doing so, the onions will last up to 8 months, because they’re in fresh air and not squashed against each other.

2) Don’t store in plastic bags: Because of the lack of air circulation you will find them rotting, spoiling, sprouting much sooner.

3) Keep potatoes away from onions: They give off gases that will accelerate spoilage of each other.

4) Dark / Cool (but not cold) storage area is best. Storing in the fridge will soften the texture + onions will give off scents into other food.

Learn more on How to Store Onions, Garlic, & Shallots

Image via The Yummy Life

5) Store onions in paper bags that have holes in them. If you can’t buy the bags then grab a ton of paper bags and then use an office hole punch or better still a belt hole maker.

6) Select the good looking onions when you’re actually buying them + pay decent prices for them. Compare prices between pre-packaged and

7) Tried growing your own? Very easy to grow + very cost effective! Learn about regrowing certain veg.

8) Store peeled onions in the freezer. Either peeled whole or cut up into slice/pieces etc. Cooking first and then freezing is another good idea.

onions3 Image source: http://www.wikihow.com/Store-Onions%5B/caption%5D

9) Don’t store onions in a large bag / container altogether. Spread them out as much as possible or add air holes as above.

10) Dry them out before storing. You can even look at curing them for longer periods of time.

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