10 ways to save on your bus travel

10 ways to save on your bus travel
  1. Plan your trips properly
    Often buying returns will be cheaper, however be careful as often these are valid for same day travel only.
    Also search for free bus services, some cities like Manchester, Leeds & Bradford have them.
  2. Keep an eye on promotions / discounts / sales / apps
    Sites like Megabus have massive sales every year for instance
  3. Get off one stop early and walk
    You might also find that two stops might be in two different zones, so getting off earlier could be significantly cheaper
  4. Never buy a one-day travelcard (unless you do the maths & we’re wrong that day/month)
    In London, grab an Oyster card or use contactless payments instead, most of the time these will be cheaper. If you’re unsure then ask.
  5. Use cheap fare finders
    Consider only travelling in off-peak times
  6. Grab a free ride…
  7. Book bus travel at the same time as your trains
    Many towns/cities have PlusBus they offer unlimited city travel from £2 per day
  8. Grab a student card
    It will depend on bus company if they accept it
  9. Grab a bus pass
    An obvious way of saving, these will depend on your local bus company but expect young person, student cards, family cards etc
    Lots of people share bus passes but obviously this is naughty
  10. Buy a season ticket
    Another obvious way of saving that you’ve probably already thought about doing but we need to mention it

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Important things to remember with everything we post:

  • If you earn over your personal allowance (currently £12,570 a year) HMRC need to get their % cut (even if the money is in cash or from another country)
  • If you’re working for yourself / earning an income on the side you need to let HMRC know – There are numerous benefits but also some drawbacks
  • You need to always ensure whatever you’re doing is legal and not hurting anyone else – be careful and always think twice
  • Some income streams may require you to have DBS check, licence, insurance or qualifications before you can start to profit from it, do your research.
  • Be careful that any additional income doesn’t compromise your studies or main income/job
  • If you work for a company check your contract, if you don’t inform them you’re working on other side projects outside of work they may have grounds to ownership on this work
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